With roots in software sales, he turned Softbank a "bank" of software, hence the odd sounding name into the undisputed turnaround king of Japanese commerce. 从软件销售起步的孙正义将软银(软件银行,听起来有些怪怪的)变成了日本毫无争议的扭亏为盈企业之王。
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (加拿大)加拿大帝国商业银行
Regarding our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce. 关于我们的财政状况、信誉地位和贸易信誉,请向我们的开户银行或我地商会了解。
Party A is responsible for managing Project as well as development and coordinating with State, bank, chamber of commerce and so forth. 甲方主要负责与本国政府部门、银行、商会等相关单位的总体协调和联系工作并对项目开发进行总体管理;
Concerning our financial position and credit standing, you may refer to our local bank, chamber of commerce and inquiry agencies. 关于我们的财务状况和信誉,你们可以向我们当地的银行、商会和调查机构询问。
But separate research by the bank suggests that the rise in trade barriers has so far affected only a small part of global commerce. 但世界银行进行的另一项研究显示,迄今为止,贸易壁垒的提高仅仅影响了很小一部分全球贸易。
As to our credit and financial standing, we can refer you to the Bank of China and the Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou. 至于我们的信用和财务状况,请向中国银行和广州商会了解。
Instead, in 1997, after earning his doctorate, he took a job at one of Canada's largest banks, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ( CIBC). 于是,1997年获得博士学位后,他在加拿大最大的银行之一加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)找了份工作。
The commerce ministry last week asked the Reserve Bank of India to investigate allegations that the US retailer clandestinely and illegally invested$ 100m in an Indian chain of convenience stores and hypermarkets, according to documents obtained by the Financial Times. 英国《金融时报》获得的一些文件显示,印度商务部上周要求印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia),就沃尔玛向一家印度连锁便利店以及超市集团秘密非法投资1亿美元的指控进行调查。
When she began to speak, her voice had softened, and she said in a dignified manner: "The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will not be less than your father." 当她开始说话的时候,她的声音很柔和,但却带着一分威严地:“加拿大帝国银行不会比你父亲差。”
America's reluctance to grant licences to foreign banks stemmed from the implosion of Bank of Credit and Commerce International in1991. 由于信贷银行与国际商业1991年的内爆,美国不愿向外来银行发放经营许可。
Bank of Credit and Commerce International 国际信贷与商业银行
Bank clearing in the development of E-commerce 电子商务发展中的银行结算
Network bank is a platform where banks offer finance services to their customers through the Internet. It is the practical application of electronic commerce in the field of banking. It stands for the trend of development of modern business banking. 网络银行是银行通过互联网为客户提供金融服务的平台,是电子商务在银行业的具体应用,它代表了现代商业银行业务的发展方向。
This paper mostly discusses the trend of development and countermeasures of the nation owned single proprietorship bank of commerce of our country after we joined the WTO. 本论文重点论述我国国有独资商业银行加入WTO以后,发展趋势及采取的对策。
When Bank of Commerce in cities grants housing mortgage loan, it has the loan risk just as the general business loan and its absence or the absence of consumer or the real estate market will bring the hazard. 城市商业银行在发放个人住房抵押贷款时,不仅有一般商业贷款共有的贷款风险,而且与消费者、房地产市场结成品字型结构,任何一方的缺失和不到位都会引发风险。
Because commercial bank deals in financial asset and financial liability and regard interest as its objective, the risk of commercial bank is more than that of ordinary industry and commerce. 由于商业银行是以追逐利益为目标、以经营金融资产和负债为对象,所以,商业银行的风险要大于一般工商企业的风险。
The supporting design of business build-ing of bank of industry and commerce on the west of the bridge, zhangjiakou city 张家口市工商银行桥西营业楼支护设计
State Council sets Agricultural Bank of China reforms: Be geared to the needs of rural area, peasant and agriculture, entireties is changed to manufacture, commerce operates, chooses opportunity to issuance of stocks. 国务院定调中国农业银行改革:面向三农、整体改制、商业运作、择机上市。
Management of Commercial bank has the basic characteristics of the general industry and commerce enterprise, but its own particularity exists. 商业银行的经营具有一般工商企业的基本特征,但又存在着其自身的特殊性。
In the bank sector, in order to adapt to the rapid development of new business models, such as electronic commerce, electronic services, and bank complex and intense competitive pressure, the development of E-bank has become a financial innovation, an important strategy to compete. 在银行业,为了适应电子商务,电子服务等新型商务模式的迅速发展和银行业所面临的复杂而激烈的竞争压力,发展网络银行己经成为金融创新、参与竞争的重要战略。
Being efficient, safe and real-time, online bank provides efficient financial services to the mass, which greatly promotes the development of world economy and commerce. 网上银行以其快捷、高效、安全、实时的优势,为广大用户提供了一种前所未有的全新的金融服务方式,网上银行的兴起与发展,极大的促进了世界经济和贸易的发展。
Because of the commodities in the commercial bank is monetary and financial services, the mode of operation is different from general industry and commerce enterprise. 由于商业银行经营的商品是货币及金融服务,其经营方式与一般工商企业存在着某些差异性。
The earliest rural commerce bank of our country comes from the remanufacture of Southern Jiangsu area Rural Credit Association. Since the Southern Jiangsu Rural Commerce Bank was established, it has achieved the great achievement. 农村商业银行是我国农村金融改革的新成果,我国最早的农村商业银行是由苏南地区的农村信用社改制而来,苏南农商行成立以来取得了巨大成就。